Pourquoi le charbon est-il l'actif purifiant idéal pour votre peau ?

Why is charcoal the ideal purifying active ingredient for your skin?

Aleppo soap with organic vegetable charcoal is the flagship new product of October at Najel. As it has many virtues , charcoal is increasingly popular in cosmetics. Najel tells you more about th...
Anti-pollution : la routine détox pour votre visage

Anti-pollution: the detox routine for your face

The Christmas competition continues and Najel is introducing you to a detoxifying beauty routine for radiant skin ! Here are all our tips and tricks for effective use of Najel skincare. The de...
Quelle est la routine beauté idéale pour votre visage ?

What is the ideal beauty routine for your face?

The Christmas competition continues and Najel is introducing you to a beauty routine to enhance your face every day ! Here are all our tips and tricks for effective use of Najel skincare. The ...
Quelle routine adopter pour nourrir les cheveux secs ?

What routine should you adopt to nourish dry hair?

Here are all our tips and tricks for effective use of Najel care. The dry hair care routine includes an Aleppo soap shampoo for dry hair , made in the Najjar laboratory in France, castor oil , a...
Adoptez la routine beauté idéale pour un été radieux

Adopt the ideal beauty routine for a radiant summer

Summer is just around the corner and it's time to adopt a new beauty routine for the new season ! Sun, swimming pool and sea are perfect for morale but can put our skin to the test. In summer, w...
Quelle routine skincare pour le printemps ?

What skincare routine for spring?

2 beauty routines with only 4 products to wake up your skin after the cold of winter. Morning routine for revitalized skin Two simple steps to apply daily for toned skin and a light tan. ...
Comment choisir son eau florale et tonique ?
Soin des cheveux

How to choose your floral and tonic water?

What is a hydrosol ? A hydrolate is an aromatic water that is obtained after distillation of a plant or flower. The distilled part is an essential oil and the residual water is the hydrolate. ...
Le beurre de karité brut : les origines de ce produit aux nombreuses vertus

Raw shea butter: the origins of this product with many virtues

Origins Shea is the tree on which shea nuts grow, which are then used to make the butter of the same name. By the way, did you know that this tree is also nicknamed the “ Butter Tree ”? This...
Quelle crème visage est faite pour vous ?
Soin du visage

Which face cream is right for you?

Discover Najel face creams: the natural solution for every skin type! Healthy, glowing skin starts with daily hydration. At Najel, we have developed skincare products specially designed to meet th...